2013年1月20日 星期日


美國TREVIGEN公司成立於1992,致力於研發偵測細胞凋零、DNA的斷損與修復、體內血管新生分析套組(In vivo angiogenesis assay, DIVAA)、體外血管新生分析套組(in vitro angiogenesis assay)、慧星分析法(Comet assay Kit)、細胞移行/細胞侵入 (Cell migrasion and Cell invasion assay)、基底膜萃取物 Basement Membrane Extract, 以及PARPARPPARG所需用到的抗體與試劑。

【業務專員】陳俊豪 0937-229803

Comet Assay彗星試劑,原理將DNA嵌入低熔點的洋菜膠電泳,依DNA所受到的傷害程度呈現不同的圖形,觀察DNA傷害程度◦具有定量、簡易與高靈敏◦TREVIGEN總代理商-太鼎生物科技有限公司。

Comet Assay的發展
早期: 染色體變異(chromosomal aberration, CA) 、姐妹染色體交換(sister chromatid exchange, SCE) 、 微核(micronuclei, MN)等方法來評估致癌物質暴露所導致的基因傷害<低靈敏度及費時>
Ostling以及Jahanson1984年發現將DNA嵌入低熔點的洋菜膠進行電泳,將會依DNA所受到的傷害程度呈現不同的圖形其圖形類似彗星,故名彗星試驗彗星試驗又稱單一細胞膠體電泳(comet assay/single cell gel electrophoresis),其具有定量性、簡易性與高靈敏度因此,彗星分析法成為試驗DNA傷害程度時常用的方法
單細胞凝膠電泳(Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis Assay)是一種快速、 簡易性、及高靈敏度檢測各別細胞DNA受損的方法(Singh et al., 1988)結合傳統生物化學的技術,並利用細胞在膠體電泳的分析下,偵測DNA單股斷裂﹔斷裂之DNA會移出細胞外,形成拖尾的現象﹔若細胞DNA未損害則移動慢且會留在核質體內

1. 如紫外光、電離輻射、 氧自由基等因素造成的DNA受損
2. 細胞凋亡
3. 抗癌藥物的藥物毒理學研究
4. 遺傳毒理學研究(取代傳統UDS分析)
5. 腫瘤治療的跟蹤監測
1. 統計分析
2. 每個檢體只要<10,000即可做分析
3. 偵測DNA受損的靈敏度高
4. 適用各種試驗的細胞
彗星分析法是設計用來評估單一個細胞DNA受損的情形,所以只要是細胞皆可做彗星分析試驗樣品須使用新鮮樣品,且須在4℃ 下製備,以避免細胞大量死亡每片CometSlide最佳細胞數為500~1000(75ul),是觀察彗星影像的最佳條件
溶於無Ca++Mg++PBS懸浮細胞: 1 x 105 c ells/ml於預冷的1xPBSmedium會干擾agarose的附著能力
貼附型細胞:刮取1 x 105 c ells/ml於預冷的1xPBS
組織細胞: 剪碎細胞取1 x 105 c ells/ml於預冷的1xPBS
100 uM hydrogen peroxide 20/ 4
25 uM KMnO4 20/ 4
(2)PBS(Ca Mg free)先預冷至4C,以抑制細胞在準備過程中內源性酵素的損害或抑制repair反應
50ul 1x105/ml Cells 500ul LMAgrose è~700 Cells/75ul 5000 Cells
彗星分析法是設計用來評估單一個細胞DNA受損的情形,所以細胞間必須能分開,才能進行評估(傳統方法製作分離膠要平穩,以避免DNA位於不同水平面而產生模糊的彗星影響)< span>提供獨特的CometSlide可快速分析DNA受損>
表面具有獨特的Teflon設計 提供客戶直接將細胞/低熔點agarose加入CometSlideCometSlide節省實驗的時間可排除因繁瑣步驟所造成實驗變異
目的在去除細胞膜及核膜極大部份的蛋白質,同時將DNA雙股斷裂展開形成單股斷裂,以增加分析的敏感性(傳統方法溶解緩衝液的濃度、酸鹼值及浸泡時間等因素會影響細胞的溶解程度)< span>提供最佳化的Alkaline Lysis可提高分析靈敏度>(浸泡溶解緩衝液,可將殘留部份的鹽類中和,因為殘留在DNA的部份鹽類,會中和DNA的磷酸根,進而抑制DNA的電泳情形

< span>提供SYBR green染色或銀染 將彗星影像最佳化呈現>
可選擇電泳方式: 1xTBE Buffer or alkaline electrophoresis solution (二擇一) Alkaline electrophoresis : 靈敏度高且可偵測微量的DNA損傷(單股DNA斷裂、雙股DNA斷裂、AP-site缺失(gamma irradiation) 電泳設定為低安培下電泳延長為40
隨機選取至少75個彗星影像,於螢光顯微鏡下觀察並照相,並計算尾部長度百分比( of tail lenghth)、尾部亮度百分比 ( of tail lenghth)、尾部動量
(tail moment)等參數
尾部DNA長度 (tail lenghth, TL) = 彗星影像全長-頭部區域長度
尾部區域長度百分比( of tail lenghth, %TL)= ( 尾部DNA長度/彗星影像全長 ) x100
尾部亮度百分比 ( of tail intensity, %TI) = [(彗星影像總亮度和-頭部區域亮度)/彗星影像總亮度和]x100尾部動量 (tail moment, TM) =尾部長度百分比x 尾部亮度百分比
原廠連結: http://www.trevigen.com/
【業務專員】陳俊豪 0937-229803

【萊恩生物科技有限公司】Trevigen-DNA Damage細胞損傷分析系列PARP in vivo Pharmacodynamic Assay II

Trevigen-DNA Damage細胞損傷分析系列
PARP in vivo Pharmacodynamic Assay II

PARP catalyzes the NAD-dependent addition of poly (ADP-ribose) (PAR) onto itself and adjacent nuclear proteins. Furthermore, polymorphisms in the PARP-1 gene correspond to disease predisposition, and variation in PARP activity might have an impact on the effects of PARP inhibitors in clinical settings. To address the need to monitor PARP activity among different individuals, and within cells, Trevigen's improved validated PARP in vivo Pharmacodynamic Assay II measures net PAR levels in cellular extracts and has been used to document differences in PAR levels among tumor lysates from different tissues, organs and xenografts. The HT PARP in vivo Pharmacodynamic Assay II employs a purified, pre-coated monoclonal PAR antibody as the capture agent, and anti-PAR polyclonal rabbit antibody as the detecting agent.
· Fewer user steps
· Pre-coated 96 well capture antibody plates
· High signal to noise ratio
· Detection sensitivity of 2 pg/ml of PAR
· Broad linear dynamic range to 1,000 pg/ml
· Reduced inter-assay variability
· Commercially available validated assay that measures drug action on PARP in both in vivo and in vitro settings
· Quantification of PAR in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, tissue culture cells, and tumor lysates from different tissues, organs and xenografts.
· Monitoring the efficacy of PARP inhibitors on PAR formation in vivo.
· Verifying observations of enhanced cancer cell cytotoxicity arising from PARP inhibitor/anticancer drug combination therapy.
· Facilitating development of PARP and PARG targeted therapeutics
Part #
PAR Standard, 25 pg/μl
5 x 20 μl
Sample Buffer
20 ml
PAR Polyclonal Detecting Antibody
30 μl
Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-HRP
30 μl
PARP PeroxyGlow A
6 ml
PARP PeroxyGlow B
6 ml
Cell Lysis Reagent
30 ml
DNase 1, 2 Units/μl
60 μl
100X Magnesium Cation
500 μl
Pre-coated white 96-stripwell plate, and 5 sealers
1 plate
Jurkat Cell Lysate Standard Control, Low
600 μl
Jurkat Cell Lysate Standard Control, Medium
600 μl
Jurkat Cell Lysate Standard Control, High
600 μl
Antibody Diluent
15 ml
20% (w/v) SDS
1 ml
Components are stored at -80°C , -20°C , 4°C , and room temperature
1. Virag, L., and Szabo, C. 2002. The therapeutic potential of Poly(ADP-Ribose) Polymerase inhibitors. Pharmacological Reviews 54:375-429.

2. Thiemermann, C., J. Bowes, F.P. Myint, and J.R. Vane. 1997. Inhibition of the activity of poly(ADP-ribose) synthase reduces ischemia-reperfusion injury in the heart and skeletal muscle. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 94:679-83.

3. Curtin NJ. 2005. PARP inhibitors for cancer therapy. Expert Rev Mol Med 7:1-20.

4. Kinders JK, Hollingshead M, Khin S, Rubinstein L, Tomaszewski JE, Doroshow JH, Parchment RE, and the National Cancer Institute Phase 0 Clinical Trials Team. 2008. Preclinical Modeling of a Phase 0 Clinical Trial: Qualification of a Pharmacodynamic Assay of Poly (ADP-Ribose) polymerase in Tumor Biopsies of Mouse Xenografts. Clin Cancer Res 14:6877-85.

【業務專員】陳俊豪 0937-229803



PARP Inhibitors

PAR Polymer

PARP Substrates
Trevigen Cell Assays
詳細產品資訊,請登錄www.trevigen.com 查詢
【業務專員】陳俊豪 0937-229803

彗星分析試劑組 Comet assay Trevigen DNA damage

Comet Assay Trevigen彗星分析DNA damage

HT 8-oxo-dG ELISA Kit【萊恩生物科技有限公司】Trevigen台灣代理

Oxidative Damage

New Oxidative Damage Products
Fragment Length Analysis by Repair Enzymes (FLARE)
Oxidative Damage Enzymes
Mismatch Repair Enzymes
詳細產品資訊,請登錄www.trevigen.com 查詢

【業務專員】陳俊豪 0937-229803

美國 Trevigen公司介紹 www.trevigen.com

  Trevigen是一家以研發見長的企業,一直得到NIHSBIR基金支援,其產品通過政府和大學招標,與大公司簽訂貼牌合同(早期通過GENZYME,目前通過R&D Systems等公司),國際代理商分銷等方式行銷全球。
Trevigen, Inc. is a rapidly growing biotechnology company focused on the development of products and technology for cancer research, emphasizing apoptosis, DNA damage and repair, and cancer cell function and behavior. The company is located in the I-270 "High technology Corridor" in Gaithersburg , Maryland . Trevigen-brand research products are marketed via the Internet, catalog, journal advertising, direct mail, and telemarketing. Distributor appointments have been made in North America, Europe, and the Pacific Rim . Trevigen also has in place supply agreements with major government and university medical research centers. The company is the recipient of several SBIR grants from the National Institutes of Health, concerning technology development for the analysis of DNA damage.
Trevigen has been a long-standing provider of quality reagents and kits for researchers investigating programmed cell death and DNA damage and repair. The previous decade saw a phenomenal increase in the number of investigators studying apoptosis, but only recently has the link between DNA damage and apoptosis received significant attention. We are pleased to continue to support the growing numbers of investigators moving into these overlapping fields of research. A logical extension of our focus on cancer research has been the recent development of assays for cancer cell function and behavior including angiogenesis, cell invasion and tumor formation.
詳細產品資訊,請登錄www.trevigen.com 查詢
【業務專員】陳俊豪 0937-229803

美國Trevigen 8-oxo-dG ELISA Kit與UVssDNA抗體(antibody) 4350-MC-100【太鼎生物科技有限公司02-86609496】Trevigen代理

美國 Trevigen www.trevigen.com
Anti-UVssDNA Monoclonal Antibody (clone C3B6)
DNA exposed to UV light accumulates a number of DNA photoproducts, predominantly (6-4) photoproducts and cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers. Isolated DNA may be immobilized in 96 well microplates for analysis by ELISA. Intact cells or tissues may also be investigated using fluorescent immunohistochemical methods. The antibody is ideal for studies involving UV damage to skin or UV damage DNA repair mechanisms.
The antibody was raised against UV irradiated calf thymus ssDNA conjugated to methylated BSA (mBSA) and UV irradiated poly dT-mBSA complex.
The anti-UVssDNA antibody recognizes (6-4) dipyrimidine photoproducts in single-stranded DNA (prepared by denaturing isolated DNA). The antibody can detect (6-4) photoproducts in sequences as short as 4 base pairs.
The antibody is provided as purified ascites containing 0.01% BSA.
· Indirect in situ immunofluorescence
· CometAssay®
Stored at 4°C . For long term storage, freeze in working aliquots at -20°C in a manual defrost freezer to avoid repeated freeze-thawings.

【業務專員】陳俊豪 0937-229803